A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

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Alone at last. Everyone else has gone, now it's just you out on the lake. Glide, leap, pirouette. Enjoy this peaceful moment before you head back to the city.

Best experienced with a controller!


  • R and shoulder buttons to push with you right and left feet
  • Left Stick to lean
  • A to jump
  • Start to pause


  • D and A to push with your right and left feet
  • Left and Right arrows to lean
  • Space to jump
  • Escape to pause
  • F11 to enter fullscreen
  • F2 take screenshot
  • (F3 for secret debug overlay)


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

Kind-of-Ice-Skating-osx.zip 5.6 MB
Kind-of-Ice-Skating-win64.zip 3.8 MB
Kind-of-Ice-Skating.love.zip 254 kB

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